Toy for Hilma af Klint Acrylic paint on wood 13 1/2 x 13 1/2 x 5 inches
Eames Redux: Homage to the House of Cards 34 birch plywood cards, latex paint, polyurethane Each card is 10 1/2 x 8 inches; installation dimensions variable
Eames Redux: Homage to the House of Cards 34 birch plywood cards, latex paint, polyurethane Each card is 10 1/2 x 8 inches; installation dimensions variable
Milk (of Human Kindness) 2014 Cellulose, gypsum, polymer. wire, acrylic paint and aluminum leaf on board 19 x 47 inches
Detail: Milk (of Human Kindness)
Wheel Like a Heart 2014 Wire, wood & spray paint 9 x 9 x 6.75 inches
Detail 1: Wheel Like a Heart 2014
Detail 2: Wheel Like a Heart
Comb for Berenice's Hair 2014 Wood, oil paint 14.5 x 34.5 inches
Little Thunderhead 2014 Cellulose, gypsum, polymer. wire, acrylic paint and aluminum leaf on board 27.25 x 23 inches
Detail: Little Thunderhead 2014
Land Buoys 2011 Papier maché, corks, spray paint 17 x 47 x 17 inches, install dims variable
Land Buoys, part one of two 2011 papier maché, corks, spray paint part one of two, 17 x 47 17 inches each
Land Buoys, part two of two 2011 papier maché, corks, spray paint 17 x 47 x 17 inches each
Radiolarium 2012 wire, aluminum, enamel paint 12 x 22 x 12 inches
Poet's Blanket for FH 2012 Tin and aluminum cans, wire, cardboard, enamel paint approx 60 x 55 inches
Poet's Blanket for FH, detail 2012
Poet's Blanket for FH, detail 2012
Poet's Blanket for FH, detail 2012
Poet's Blanket for FH, detail 2012
Planktonette 2012 Tin cans, bottle caps, steel hanger strap, zip ties 35 x 24 x 24 inches
Dumbbell 1 2012 wire, rubber cork, cholla wood 8 x 16 x 8 inches
Dumbbell 1 2012 wire, rubber cork, cholla wood 6 x 18 x 6 inches
Little Pond (Legs) 2011 gouache on rag board, wood, spray paint 32 x 9 x 19.25 inches
Little Pond (Burblossom) 2011 gouache on rag board, wood, spraypaint 34 x 12 x 28 inches
Little Pond (Red Heaven) 2011 gouache on rag board, wood, spray paint 34 x 12 x 28 inches
Little Pond (Swimmer) 2011 gouache on rag board, wood, spray paint 34 x 7 x 28 inches
Vehicle 2011 Cellulose, gypsum, polymer, wire, acrylic gesso and spray enamel on board. 14 x 35 inches
Dumbell 2 2012 wire, chamois leather, rubber cork, cholla wood 7 x 17 x 7 inches
Dumbbell 2 2012 Wire, chamois leather, rubber cork, cholla wood 7 x 17 x 7 inches
Ears 2011 Cellulose, gypsum, polymer, wire, acrylic gesso and spray enamel on board. 34 x 37 inches
Bunny Dummy 2010 papier maché, wooden chair, spray paint 42 x 16 x 20 inches
Bunny Dummy 2010 papier maché, wooden chair, spray paint 42 x 16 x 20 inches
Bitter Lake Homage 2010 wood and masonite scraps, ink and oil paint 44 x 29 inches
Swat 2010 Cellulose, gypsum, polymer, wire and oil paint 55 x 32 inches
Iris 2011 papier maché, old boots, metal, spray enamel 24 x 18 x 24 inches
Imperial Numeral 2010 Cellulose, gypsum, polymer, wire and oil paint on board. 24 x 35 inches
Four Immeasurables 2011 Cellulose, gypsum, polymer, wire and acrylic gesso on board. 31 x 29 inches
Four Immeasurables (detail)
Little Ear 2011 Engobe glazed ceramic and tin can 14 x 17 inches (variable)
Crown 2011 Cellulose, gypsum, polymer. wire and acrylic gesso on board. 41 x 35 inches
Crown (detail)
Black Repair 2011 Broken ceramic, engobe glaze and wire 18 x 21 inches